2024 - 2025


2023 - 2024


We raised an incredible £3,000 for Read With Me, our charity of choice for 2023-2024.  Read With Me offers one-to-one support in schools, helping every child to learn to read well before they reach secondary school.

Did you know:

  • 200,000 children leave primary school unable to read every year!
  • 1 in 4 five year olds struggle with basic vocabulary.
  • 96% of primary school teachers are concerns about pupils’ speech & language.

2022 - 2023


We are delighted to have been be able to donate £1,000 to Gloucester Feed the Hungry with funds raised from the Bennetts’ annual charity raffles and auctions.

Feed the Hungry provide food, clothing and other essential items to the less fortunate and Hash Norat at Feed The Hungry has indicated the money donated will help towards feeding approximately 2,000 people, which is a fantastic result!

We’d also like to express our gratitude to one of our amazing employees, Mandy, for her brilliant contributions and hard work gathering donations for these staff events to allow them to happen – Thank you Mandy!

2021 - 2022


Every year at the Bennetts Coaches Annual Staff Party, we hold an auction and raffle to raise funds for our charity of choice. Over the past eight years, we have raised in excess of £16,000 for our chosen charities.

For 2021-2022 we are delighted to announce that Bennetts Coaches raised an incredible £2,400.00 for Belmont School at our Charity Fundraising Event that took place at our Annual Staff Party on 8th January 2022.

To find out more about Belmont School please visit their website: Belmont | An Outstanding Special School in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.

A huge thank you to all those who donated, provided a gift or voucher that we could auction off or put in the raffle during the evening of the Staff Party. Any contribution you made, big or small, has really made a difference. All of us at Bennetts Coaches are extremely happy with the efforts put in by all, thank you everyone.

2019 - 2020


For 2019 – 2020, we are delighted to announce that we raised an incredible £3,100.00 for the James Hopkins Trust who provide nursing respite care for Gloucestershire’s life limited and life threatened young children.

The James Hopkins Trust was established in 1989 to provide care for babies and children up to the age of 5 who have a life limiting or life-threatening condition while supporting their families. They currently support over 100 children in Gloucestershire and have helped well over 600 children and their families in every corner of Gloucestershire. They are here to create very special, lasting memories at Kites Corner, which is filled with love and laughter.

James Hopkins Trust needs an enormous £570,000 a year to ensure Gloucestershire families with a life limited or life threatened young child continue to receive free nursing respite. This is approximately £1,700 a day. A huge amount, but if everyone in Gloucestershire paid just £1.00 each, we would be able to help more Gloucestershire families.

 £10.00 – will pay for a child to enjoy 1 hour in our multi-sensory room.

£15.00 – will pay for a 1-hour nursing respite in the child’s family home.

£60.00 – will pay for a 4-hour respite session for one child at Kites Corner.

£500.00 – will pay for one child’s 24-hour break and sleepover at Kites Corner.

2018 - 2019


We are delighted to announce that Bennetts Coaches raised an incredible £5,100.00 for the Breathe Magic Programme at our Charity Fundraising Event that took place at our Annual Staff Party on 5th January 2019.

To find out more about Breathe Magic please visit their website: www.breatheahr.org

Or you can click on the following video where the programme is explained beautifully: http://breatheahr.org/videos/2015-summer-camp/


For 2017-18 we chose four charities as they have all supported our business partner, Roy Bennett, following his Superkart collision in August 2016 where he was paralysed from the neck down.

We are delighted to announce that we raised an incredible £2,675.00, at the Bennetts Coaches Charity Fundraising Event that took place at our Annual Staff Party on 6th January 2018, distributed to the following charities:

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